Sunday, January 29
Realising Your Purpose

London, UK

Realising Your Purpose

Sunday, January 29
Life's a funny thing, really. And so are us human beings. We'll go from feeling like we own the world to feeling as though we're nothing. From feeling like 'life's got to change' in order to achieve happiness, to then only realising we're no better off; wishing things back to how they were.
Wednesday, January 18
It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It // Why Life's Not a One-Size-Fits-All Jobby

London, UK

It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It // Why Life's Not a One-Size-Fits-All Jobby

Wednesday, January 18
There's an abundance of posts floating around the blogosphere titled 'how to (do this)' and 'how to (do that)' and in fact, according to a number of people I've spoken to - these are the posts known for performing best in terms of traffic. Now, I totally get it, I do; I love a little insight as much as anybody else and we humans are certainly an inquisitive bunch when it comes to it, but sometimes, I just can't help but feel they're governing my life and myself to be a certain way. As if that's the only way to be or the only way to achieve something and if I'm doing it differently, I'm doing it wrong.